Saturday, November 22, 2008

Cleaning day...

So I have this weekend off, and you know what that means... Does it mean having fun together around Tucson? Does it mean being lazy and watching football all day? Of course not! It's cleaning day! So, how do Em and I go about a cleaning day? I can tell you, we have very different approaches. While I would just look around and see what needs to be done and do it as I see it, Emily has a slightly different approach...I'm sure many of you have seen that sight before. It means that one of the most feared weapons in her arsenal is about to be unleashed. Something that would even make Chuck Norris weep in his bed... THE LIST!
Yes, The List comes out when something needs to get done around here but needs a little bit more organization than the typical chore. Or you can take my theory and believe it's something Emily does to procrastinate and postpone doing something she doesn't want to. By the way, that picture's only half of The List. As you can tell, Annabelle was quite intrigued by the whole thing.
Actually, she's just a pooped pooch from the run I took her one earlier today. Anyway, feel free to give us a call to distract us from our many activities today.


emily said...

Procrastination, huh? I have been sitting here trying to get started while YOU spend time typing this post...sheesh.

Drew said...

You've actually been sitting behind me while I finish it, waiting to post that comment... BURN!

nicole said...

hahaha - i like the post and especially the comments. and drew, i have to admit that i agree with emily on the list approach :) i believe i just made a very similar cleaning list, but maybe i was trying to avoid doing homework...

Frank and Beans said...

I'm with you Drew...Kyle does the list approach...... must be a Sanders thing to see and pick organization to it at all!! haha